
The ever-changing world of politics has a major impact on all facets of our lives. Decisions are made daily that affect the environment we live in, the taxes that we pay and the education that we receive. As we learn to navigate a society where people are passionate about issues that affect them most, understanding the political landscape has never been more important. Our political science program allows you to explore the many dimensions of politics and its direct connection to global issues and ideas.

“I’ve always felt like I could be myself in class.”



About the 政治科学 Major

The opportunities for a successful career in politics extend far beyond holding a government position. If you’re interested in working for organizations that advocate for causes, becoming a journalist or working for an international business, political science may be the right career path for you. This area of study prepares you to be an informed and active citizen as you learn about national and international government and the roles they play in processes and policies. You’ll expand your knowledge through classroom work, 研究, simulations and real-world experiences.

威尼斯游戏大厅’s 政治科学 major allows you to choose courses that directly relate to your preferred field of study. The program offers classes in public policy and constitutional law, 美国总统, US foreign policy and politics of developing nations. Students will apply what they learn as they discuss relevant political topics with their peers. You’ll sharpen your analytical and critical thinking skills, and practice sharing opinions clearly and effectively through oral and written communication—all with an awareness of cultures and perspectives that may be different than your own.

Become a Social Studies Teacher

Pairing the political science major with Carroll’s 中等教育 major can lead to certification by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to teach social studies in high school and middle school. Your coursework will provide you with depth in your major while also preparing you to teach multiple disciplines in the social sciences.

除了主修, Carroll offers a minor in political science that complements many areas of study:


We help you build real world experience, explore careers and network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • Offices of state and federal legislators
  • 市长的办公室
  • 威斯康星州州长办公室
  • City, county and federal agencies
  • 律师事务所
  • 当地警察部门
  • 国际 Institute of Wisconsin
  • 威斯康星州共和党
  • 威斯康星世界贸易中心
  • 联合社区中心
  • 威斯康辛州塞拉俱乐部
  • Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
  • Chicago World Affairs Council
  • 美国志愿队
  • 团队(尼泊尔)


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.


Milwaukee named third best market for recent college grads

Online financial resources site SmartAsset notes affordability, fun and strong momentum in Midwestern region 



04届校友Bryon Cherry

Q&A: Bryon Cherry '04 named best R&B/Soul Artist by Wisconsin Area Music Industry


04届校友Bryon Cherry lived the liberal arts education at Carroll when - as a political science major - he also discovered his passion and talent for music. He developed his musical interest down a path that led to him being named best R&B/Soul Artist at the 2021 Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) Awards.


Goren Interviewed on BBC Program


Political science professor 莉莉她 appeared on the internationally-broadcast BBC World Service's Newsday program on October 29.


“I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad in Rome for a year.”
——Felicia Homan, 17岁


